Message from the president
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4th medium-term business plan
Contribute to society through sincerity
and sound management to be a
trusted member of the community.

Greetings to our valued stakeholders.
Against the background of environmental and social issues such as climate change and a shrinking labor pool, as well as a continuously changing market environment, we are being asked to take on a very different role.
In light of these challenges, the Nichiden Group has set a purpose of “Sincerely contributing to the future of manufacturing by uniting the hopes of those who make products and those who use them.” We have thus begun the first year of activities under Nichiden’s medium-term business plan, : Making New Contributions.
To take on these challenges, the medium-term business plan comprises three market strategies: collaborate with partners; expand business in growth markets, and; develop solutions for social and environmental businesses. We will implement these strategies together with business partners in order to achieve continuous growth.
Over the years, we have worked to solve customers’ problems by collaborating with suppliers. In doing so, we have leveraged our strength in logistics and provided solutions that help customers deal with worker shortages through labor- and energy-saving devices. This has allowed us to review the value we provide, which constitutes the pillar of our existence as a company, and create new value.
Under our fourth medium-term business plan, we aim to improve business performance. We will achieve this by matching the value we have always provided with trading company functions honed over the years, adding a focus on sustainability management, and expanding functions such as procurement management, IoT consulting, and engineering.
We have also been collaborating with the two companies we welcomed to the Nichiden Group last fiscal term to develop DX applications and business support cloud services for the manufacturing industry. We will pitch these to a wide range of companies involved in manufacturing in order to help them deal with problems such a shrinking labor pool.
I look forward to your continued understanding and support as we collaborate in realizing New Dedication 2026.
April 1, 2024
Toshikazu Fuke, Representative Director and President Executive Officer