
New Dedication 2023
:Making New Contributions
  • Never stop striving to be a company valued by society
  • Work with our customers to support the workings of manufacturing and the foundation of industry
  • Foster a corporate culture that embraces challenges and perseverance

Overview of the 4th medium-term business plan

We have completed the three years of our third medium-term business plan, launched in 2021 with the goal of expanding new business domains.
Against the background of environmental and social issues such as climate change and a shrinking labor pool, as well as a continuously changing market environment, we are being asked to take on a very different role.
Under our fourth medium-term business plan, we have set a purpose of “Sincerely contributing to the future of manufacturing by uniting the hopes of those who make products and those who use them.” We will achieve this by matching the value we have always provided with trading company functions honed over the years and adding a focus on sustainability management. This will help us achieve continuous growth for our company and contribute to a sustainable society.

(1)Plan period

Three years from April 1, 2024 until March 31, 2027

(2)Basic management policies

  1. Never stop striving to be a company valued by society
  2. Work with our customers to support the workings of manufacturing and the foundation of industry
  3. Foster a corporate culture that embraces challenges and perseverance

(3)Key policies

Key policies
Sincerely contribute to the future of manufacturing by uniting the hopes of those who make products and those who use them

【Collaborate with partners】

Approach markets through stronger partnerships
Shift from strategic collaboration to partnership-driven co-creation.

【Expand business in growth markets】

Harness the power of Nichiden in growth markets
Combine function and experience to manifest all our strength.

【Develop solutions for social and environmental businesses】

Approach social and environmental issues as a trading company
Understand customers’ problems to provide them with exact solutions.

Sustainability management

【Sustainability management】

Boost corporate value while providing environmental and social value

【Human resource strategy】

Leverage human resource strengths to improve work processes and well-being

【Investment and financial strategy】

Manage with a focus on cost of capital and stock price
Raise capital efficiency

【Business process reengineering and digital transformation】

Reengineer internal work processes and apply them to market business

【Business continuity planning】

Fulfill responsibility to deliver to customers under any circumstances

(4)Numerical targets

Fiscal 2024 targets Fiscal 2025 targets Fiscal 2026 targets
Consolidated sales 134 billion yen 140 billion yen 150 billion yen
Consolidated operating profit 6.1 billion yen 5.8 billion yen 6.6 billion yen
Consolidated ordinary profit 6.5 billion yen 6.2 billion yen 7 billion yen
Consolidated net income 4.7 billion yen 4.7 billion yen 5 billion yen